The process of creation of the work consists of the elaboration with a computer of a virtual model in 3D and its subsequent rendering (a photograph of the model made by the computer) at a very high resolution (processing days are required with powerful equipment). The result is printed on canvas ...
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The process of creation of the work consists of the elaboration with a computer of a virtual model in 3D and its subsequent rendering (a photograph of the model made by the computer) at a very high resolution (processing days are required with powerful equipment). The result is printed on canvas with special inks resistant to UVA rays. Digital art still has a way to go to be recognized by all the artistic community first, and by the citizenship afterward (or the order is to the reverse?). The fact that the digital artist does not hold a brush in his hand yet arouses suspicion and suspicion. "That's not art," some say. The conservatism has always been associated with the reception of the artistic work. The evil that weighs us, we continue with the mind in the eighteenth century under the dictatorship of the Fine Arts Academy.