The series "Interioridades" addresses a process around interior scenarios, a set that evokes the interiorities of the home, as a domestic space and affective state, as well as a safe and prisoner place, suggesting femininity. "Interioridades" turns the observer into a voyeur, raising questions ab...
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The series "Interioridades" addresses a process around interior scenarios, a set that evokes the interiorities of the home, as a domestic space and affective state, as well as a safe and prisoner place, suggesting femininity. "Interioridades" turns the observer into a voyeur, raising questions about the pleasure of contemplating the intimacy of the other. The matrix that refers to the protection, hiding or closing of the private arena, reveals an ambiguity in the position of the figures, expressing privacy, intimacy and some sensuality, thus addressing a duality: the public and the private.
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