He was an actor. Now, he plays the role of an aging female character in the cabaret of broken dreams. When he goes back to his dressing room he is alone. He takes out the wig and removes the makeup in front of the mirror, then he can watch at all the memories of the struggle in his life'.
Pedro ...
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He was an actor. Now, he plays the role of an aging female character in the cabaret of broken dreams. When he goes back to his dressing room he is alone. He takes out the wig and removes the makeup in front of the mirror, then he can watch at all the memories of the struggle in his life'.
Pedro is a researcher of human nature, expresses what he perceives of it in canvases. Finds and shares the immense wealth of the being. Investigates and discovers. "My inspiration is human emotions" and so are the stories that these suggest; human beings, their lives, real or fictitious, almost archetypal, and his life adventure.
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