"Madjoni-Djoni" is an evocative photography explores the visual and oral histories of Mozambican miners and their families who migrated to South Africa in search of work. By reinterpreting archival images alongside new artistic productions,
Madjoni-Djoni reconstructs the layered experiences of d...
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"Madjoni-Djoni" is an evocative photography explores the visual and oral histories of Mozambican miners and their families who migrated to South Africa in search of work. By reinterpreting archival images alongside new artistic productions,
Madjoni-Djoni reconstructs the layered experiences of displacement, belonging, and memory. Madjoni-Djoni, engage in a dialogue about the historical erasure of migrant workers, the politics of representation, and the role of museums in preserving and challenging colonial narratives. The artwork serves as an act of artistic restitution—reclaiming these stories from the margins and repositioning them at the center of contemporary discourse on labor, migration, and African identity.
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