This work is part of a series that combines photography and painting on paper. Each piece begins with a photograph, printed on Hahnemühle paper, and then adhered to the support. The photographs, taken in previous years, are intentionally blurred at the moment of capture, removing identifiable det...
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This work is part of a series that combines photography and painting on paper. Each piece begins with a photograph, printed on Hahnemühle paper, and then adhered to the support. The photographs, taken in previous years, are intentionally blurred at the moment of capture, removing identifiable details and emphasizing movement and abstraction.
Over the photographs, I apply acrylic paint with gestural strokes and layered textures. The colors vary, interacting with the photographic elements and expanding the composition beyond the original image. The painting does not illustrate or complete the photograph but creates a dialogue between the two media.
This series explores how photography and painting intersect, particularly how paint can extend, disrupt, or reinterpret the captured image. The contrast between the fixed photographic frame and the dynamic gestures of the painting introduces a tension that shapes the way each work is perceived
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