We are creatures seeking comfortable habits that anchor us in a limited visual landscape. What is perception? How can we deconstruct it? How can we escape from our blindness? This series of works is dedicated to this conscious deconstruction. These are small essays exploring various vocabularies ...
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We are creatures seeking comfortable habits that anchor us in a limited visual landscape. What is perception? How can we deconstruct it? How can we escape from our blindness? This series of works is dedicated to this conscious deconstruction. These are small essays exploring various vocabularies and visual languages developing new mechanisms of rebuilding a reborn perception. In the personas of every kind portraiting emotions appear and disappear, cover by layers of clouded thoughts, abstract signs or cryptographic language. The technique used is mixed media. Inspired by Arshile Gorky, Keith Haring, Pablo Picasso, Miró, Jean Dubuffet.
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