Exposes a textile vision, intertwined and overlapping, connecting colour research and how colour relates to the viewer. Following on from the theories of the Venezuelan cinematic movement, Mariadela poses her vision, experiments and investigates how colour directly affects our lives. While the ma...
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Exposes a textile vision, intertwined and overlapping, connecting colour research and how colour relates to the viewer. Following on from the theories of the Venezuelan cinematic movement, Mariadela poses her vision, experiments and investigates how colour directly affects our lives. While the materials and compositions of the presented works may differ, the common thread is one of colour. Leaving behind the typical format of fabric on fabric or classical embroidery, and moving the work into another format, the viewer is directly confronted with chromatic variations produced by the scale of the colour modules materialised in the physical space.These works significantly influence the environment in which they are in and the position in which the viewer is located, thus offering different chromatic intensities - by the type of material, texture, transparency and format.
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