Damaris Athene, peintre à la galerie zet

Damaris Athene

London, United Kingdom

La peinture  |  3 Suiveurs

BA Painting

Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London
2012 - 2015

Foundation in Art & Design

Falmouth University
2010 - 2011
Expositions collectives

Epidermal Dress: An Exhibition

Safehouse 1, London, UK
Epidermal Dress was an exhibition of work by four emerging artists - Damaris Athene, Ines Garrido, Anna Hussey, and Jennifer N. R. Smith - who deal with the corporeal in their practice. Theodore Rotheke's 1941 poem 'Epidermal Macabre' became the sticking point in the artists' research prior to the show. It highlights the internal tensions faced when considering the materiality of flesh and experiencing the frustrating desire to transcend the limitations of the body. Safehouse 1 is a derelict victorian terrace house turned art space by Maverick Projects. In this exhibition, it acts as an environmental mirror for the work, which in turn reflects the structure as a decaying and mortal body.

Undergraduate Degree Show

Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK
Final degree show for BA Fine Art & Design undergraduates.

Anatomy 2015

The Old Operating Theatre Museum, London, UK
An exhibition of work by artists who took an anatomy course at Guy's Hospital. This course included working in The Gordon Museum of Pathology and King's College London's dissection rooms. The exhibition was curated so that the art was interspersed among the artifacts and surroundings of the Old Operating Theatre Museum.

Hans Brinker Painting Prize 2014

Hans Brinker Hotel, Amsterdam, Holland
Each year, the Hans Brinker Painting Prize is hosted by the Dutch hotel, exhibiting art by thirty students from renowned European art colleges and throws an exciting and packed private view to celebrate their work, inviting all attendees to vote for the winner of the prize.

Open 2014

Peckham Platform, London, UK
An open exhibition at Peckham Platform, a gallery and workshop space in South London.


Parkhall Business Centre, London, UK
An exhibition of work by sculpture and painting students in their third year at Camberwell College of Arts.

7th Site Presents: Jar

Ongean, London, UK
An exhibition of work by painting and sculpture students in their second year at Camberwell College of Arts.


Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK
BA Painting end of year show in first year.

Clyde & Co Art Award (Shortlisted)

The Clyde and Co Art Award encourages emerging talent in the visual arts by introducing final year art undergraduates to the corporate sector and showcasing their work. The project aims to to ease the transition from art school to the commercial art world - a stepping stone to a professional career.A selection of work selected from degree shows are displayed in the offices for one year. Every student receives a cash prize, pro bono legal advice and business mentoring by staff volunteers.

Hans Brinker Painting Prize (Shortlisted)

Each year, the Hans Brinker Painting Prize is hosted by the Dutch hotel, exhibiting art by thirty students from renowned European art colleges and throws an exciting and packed private view to celebrate their work, inviting all attendees to vote for the winner of the prize.
D'autres activités

Painting Assistant for Damien Hirst

Working full-time as a Painting Assistant for Damien Hirst.