The cement cube takes us back to industrialization, cities, and urbanization, which increasingly destroys nature and the space that it occupies. But even so, she doesn't let herself be beaten and tries to escape, living in the middle of pollution and houses. There is a certain desire to escape th...
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The cement cube takes us back to industrialization, cities, and urbanization, which increasingly destroys nature and the space that it occupies. But even so, she doesn't let herself be beaten and tries to escape, living in the middle of pollution and houses. There is a certain desire to escape the filth of the environment and its permanent destruction. The cement appropriates the space that used to be part of the branch. There is a certain crushing of the space that the branch occupies. What I intend to convey with my work is the reality of today, more and more people stop taking care of the environment and preserve it, even though it is an advanced society, full of information, they forget that trees produce a good part from the oxygen in the atmosphere and recycle carbon dioxide, purify freshwaters and regulate the climate, among many other beneficial effects that contribute to the balance of the Earth, and even to the well-being and survival of Man.
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