O gesto denso de esgravatar remete-nos de imediato para uma a ação ardua: remexer "as terras" da psique, num processo exigente e atento de forma a integrar as energias masculinas e femininas da psique, para a construção de um Futuro empático. “This is the inner basis for the ecological self, whic...
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O gesto denso de esgravatar remete-nos de imediato para uma a ação ardua: remexer "as terras" da psique, num processo exigente e atento de forma a integrar as energias masculinas e femininas da psique, para a construção de um Futuro empático. “This is the inner basis for the ecological self, which is able to transcend the Cartesian self of the patriarchal tradition. As Levin puts it in The Opening of Vision: “Archetypes which for too long have been constitutive only of femininity must be seen and valued as essential for the fulfillment of masculinity … (and) be integrated into its network of practices and institutions, transforming them accordingly.” In the post-Cartesian, post-patriarchal identity, the so-called feminine values of caring and compassion will play leading roles."
Gablik, Suzi, “The Reenchantment of Art”, ed. Thames and Hudson Inc., New York, 1991. pp. 176 e 177.
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