It was created through a process of acrylic layering, scraping on the wooden support, in a method of abstract expressionism.
The operation consists of the representation of an organic black square, under a background of contrasting chromatic values with a predominance of red.
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It was created through a process of acrylic layering, scraping on the wooden support, in a method of abstract expressionism.
The operation consists of the representation of an organic black square, under a background of contrasting chromatic values with a predominance of red.
The concept represents the intention of the centralisation of ideas in the measure of their condition of important circumstantial value in the reason of the chaos. That is, the four cardinal orientations of positioning represented by the four sides of the cube, make it the most simplified geometrical figure in the sense of its understanding, and in what refers to the chaos it is positioned by its one reference.
Therefore, it ends up being central in its form and, because it represents four referential foundation values in its existence, this condition positions it as intelligible in chaos.
Therefore, it is centralised as a whole.
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