Aika means "Time" in Finnish, however, while still in process it had a working title of " My soul expands". I was inspired by a text written by François Cheng, which reads; "If one confines oneself to the physical body, this is a terribly restricted space. If one admits to and accepts the spiritu...
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Aika means "Time" in Finnish, however, while still in process it had a working title of " My soul expands". I was inspired by a text written by François Cheng, which reads; "If one confines oneself to the physical body, this is a terribly restricted space. If one admits to and accepts the spiritual body, there is virtually infinite space." I have experienced the feeling of infinite space within myself and more than an exterior landscape, Aika represents an interior space.
This drawing is large and it took months to create it. It is done line by line. It is framed with a white wooden frame and has glass to protect the drawing. The size of the paper and the frame is 91 x 241 cm, of which the drawing occupies 56 x 215 cm.
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