2 ou 3 choses que je sais d’elle

“2 or 3 choses que je sais d’elle” is the name of a film that Jean-Luc Godard (FR, 1930) directed in 1966, the same year as “Masculin féminin” and “Made in USA” and after a series of productions in which the Nouveau Réalisme, from which the Nouvelle Vague cinema derives, attentive to the social condition… Continue reading


INTERVIEW WITH THE COUNCILLOR OF CULTURE OF GUIMARÃES, ADELINA PINTO Artistic Residency in Guimarães Why choose this staircase and this site, here at Plataforma das Artes, to integrate this AMAR O MINHO project? We are here facing the Plataforma das Artes e da Criatividade, where we have the Centro Internacional de Artes José de Guimarães. … Continue reading

Jay Rechsteiner’s Red Van

The Red Van is a collaborative research project between London gallery Chiara Williams Contemporary Art and Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner, commissioned by WW Gallery, London. It is a nomadic sculpture that has three distinct functions: home/studio/gallery. It is a vehicle for experimentation, finding new models of living and working within the arts, as a gallery… Continue reading

TOP 15 best artists’ studios

TOP 15 best artists’ studios Leonardo daVinci defended that artists’ studios should be a small space because the small rooms discipline the mind and the great distract her. The concept is not erroneous, but let’s admit that it should be up to each artist to create a space that will enhance his artistic creation. Be inspired by our top 15 artists’ studios… Continue reading

When art and music meet

When art and music meet Art is famous! Surely you’ve noticed that a growing number of renown celebrities from the music world and show business have been associating art to their image. Then there are other celebrities that actually make artworks of their own, which allows the dissemination of art among the media, confering it… Continue reading