1. Artworks
  2. Sculpture
  3. Iron, Stone
Sacos do ser, original Abstract Clay Sculpture by Patrícia Oliveira
Sacos do ser
3690 €
Deixa-me pentear, original Nature Iron Sculpture by Patrícia Oliveira
Deixa-me pentear, 2023
24600 €
Estado da Arte, original Nature Iron Sculpture by Ana Almeida Pinto
Estado da Arte, 2023
4000 €
Ânion-Cátion (entre a terra e o céu), original Nature Iron Sculpture by Ana Almeida Pinto
Ânion-Cátion (entre a terra e o céu), 2021
7000 €
Dama de copas, original Woman Stone Sculpture by Virginia  Pinto
Dama de copas, 2023
1900 €
Mulher grávida, original Woman Stone Sculpture by Virginia  Pinto
Mulher grávida, 2018
1400 €
Sillhouette II, original Woman Stone Sculpture by Virginia  Pinto
Sillhouette II, 2018
1800 €
Silhouette, original Woman Stone Sculpture by Virginia  Pinto
Silhouette, 2018
1800 €
Chromola, original Nature Iron Sculpture by João  Campolargo Teixeira
Chromola, 2022
8000 €
UMINUTO TRÊS, original Nature Iron Sculpture by João  Campolargo Teixeira
7000 €
Sobre histórias da nossa terra, original Geometric Iron Sculpture by João  Campolargo Teixeira
Sobre histórias da nossa terra, 2023
16000 €
A spontaneous tour of some monuments of African architecture (airport tower), original Nature Iron Sculpture by Ângela  Ferreira
A spontaneous tour of some monuments of African architecture (airport tower)
Price under consultation
Dalaba: Sol d'Exil (telhado / roof), original Nature Iron Sculpture by Ângela  Ferreira
Dalaba: Sol d'Exil (telhado / roof), 2019
Price under consultation
Dalaba: Sol d'Exil (alpendre / porch), original Nature Iron Sculpture by Ângela  Ferreira
Dalaba: Sol d'Exil (alpendre / porch), 2019
Price under consultation
Dalaba: Sol d'Exil (teleférico / cableway), original Nature Iron Sculpture by Ângela  Ferreira
Dalaba: Sol d'Exil (teleférico / cableway), 2019
Price under consultation
Dalaba: Sol d’Exil (varanda / veranda), original Nature Iron Sculpture by Ângela  Ferreira
Dalaba: Sol d’Exil (varanda / veranda), 2019
Price under consultation
Fogo Posto, original Landscape Card Sculpture by Carolina  Mendes
Fogo Posto, 2022
150 €
Digestão II, original Abstract Iron Sculpture by Miguel  Neves Oliveira
Digestão II, 2019
2000 €
Digestão I, original Abstract Iron Sculpture by Miguel  Neves Oliveira
Digestão I, 2019
3000 €
Génesis (02), original Woman Iron Sculpture by Teresa Ricca
Génesis (02), 2019
850 €
Portrait: Reflections of Oneself, original Abstract Iron Sculpture by Inês  Osório
Portrait: Reflections of Oneself, 2005
450 €
Resistência (do Absurdo), original Abstract Iron Sculpture by Ana Almeida Pinto
Resistência (do Absurdo), 2018
2000 €
Resistência (do Caminho), original Abstract Iron Sculpture by Ana Almeida Pinto
Resistência (do Caminho), 2018
1800 €
Resistência (da Paz) IV, original Abstract Iron Sculpture by Ana Almeida Pinto
Resistência (da Paz) IV, 2018
1500 €