The importance of buying original artworks Owning original artworks seems to have acquired, over time, a status of “elite”, and is seen as a “conquest” only possible to a few. For the “average people”, acquiring an artwork is summarized in buying a piece from a commercial shop, massively reproduced, hidden in the idea that the… Continue reading
The importance of buying original artworks
“Giacometti: Pure Presence” at National Portrait Gallery
Suggestion for the weekend: “Giacometti: Pure Presence” at National Portrait Gallery Until Januay, 10th, the National Portrait Gallery exhibits the show “Giacometti: Pure Presence”, focusing on a less well-known aspect of one the giants of modern art. Fascinated by the artistic complexities of evoking a human presence, Giacometti is presented in this exhibition as a family man, … Continue reading
Welcome to the biggest online art gallery in Europe!
Welcome to the biggest online art gallery in Europe! The best of all? shairart allows you to have access to the best contemporary artworks, filed anywhere in the world, from the comfort of your home. This online art store was created in April, 2014, with a simple goal: Make art accessible to all! After almost… Continue reading
Buy art online as an investment
Buy art online as an investment Investing in stocks, real estate funds or any of those traditional options, is getting increasingly outdated! As seen in that fatidic ‘Black Monday’ from which the art world did not escape, financial markets and art industry are more related, not only because of the artworks’ prices (art auctions are breaking records),… Continue reading
“The EY Exhibition: The World Goes Pop” at Tate Modern
Until January 24th, Tate Modern receives the exhibition “The EY Exhibition: The World Goes Pop”, an amazing, engaging and colorful show about, as expected, pop art. But, and although this is a pop art exhibition, is not about the “artistic movement” as you know it. This exhibition shows that, unlike the usual associations, pop art was not about the… Continue reading
Goya: The Portraits at the National Gallery
Weekend suggestion – Goya: The Portraits at the National Gallery Until January 10th, 2016 the National Gallery hosts the exhibition Goya: The Portraits, presenting 70 of the artist’s most outstanding artworks from public and private collections around the world. It is often said that Goya is the last of the old masters and first of the moderns,… Continue reading
Contemporary Artworks – TOP 10
TOP 10 contemporary artworks Kumi Yamashita – Profile (1994) Kumi Yamashita sculpts using light and shadow. He builds single or multiple objects and place them in relation to a single light source. The complete contemporary artwork is therefore comprised of both the material (the solid objects) and the immaterial (the light or shadow). Guy… Continue reading
How to sell artworks online and become a global success
How to sell artworks online and become a global success The competition is fierce in the art world, and it’s no longer enough for an artist to just create his work and wait for others to promote them to potentially interested people. Today, an artist must also be able to reinvent himself, have the ability… Continue reading
Doug Bloodworth’s photorealists oil paintings
Doug Bloodworth’s photorealists oil paintings When people first lay eyes on a piece by Doug Bloodworth, they remark what a beautiful photo it is. Everyday popular elements as comics, board games or film heroes, combined in a strong composition, of easy perception and exciting! Then, upon closer observation, they realize it’s not a photo but… Continue reading
The largest digital biennial
The largest digital art biennial The second edition of ‘The Wrong‘, the world’s largest (if not unique) digital art biennial is already happening. The particularity? This biennial takes place, simultaneously, in the digital world and in different physical spaces. Inaugurated on the 01st of November, it aims to create, promote and encourage digital contemporary art, making a positive forward-thinking, through… Continue reading